As the holiday season nears, seasonal employment spikes. We all know that retail is the most common industry for employment during the holiday season, but opportunities stretch far beyond the retail industry. The end of the year for most organizations is the time for planning, organization and administrative wrap up. And, if a business interacts at all with the retail industry, they too may designate the holidays as a busy season.
In healthcare, as the flu season goes into high gear, employment opportunities change. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this year’s flu season is more damaging and dangerous than its been since 2009. This directly reflects hospital census, number of staff needed, and patient satisfaction. And, with full time employees wanting time off for the holidays, this is a great time for the unemployed to get a foot in the door through temporary employment.
Start your search early
Depending on the type of position you are looking for, it will be important to get in front of seasonal employers before their inboxes are flooded with potential applicants. When searching, use your personal network and don’t rely on one source for information about job opportunities.
Think of unconventional opportunities
Everyone runs to retail opportunities, but there are several industries that experience seasonal needs for additional staff. For example, here at DPS, we have all kinds of opportunities for short term, temporary employment that are needed during the holiday season, from working holiday events to opportunities related to flu season – both clinical and non-clinical.
Be flexible and patient
It is imperative that your availability and flexibility is clear. Most employers are looking to fill their seasonal needs with candidates that are available and are willing to work when needed. Depending on the type of position, having employees that are working when busy may be the main reason for additional employees. No matter the industry, exceptional service is a requirement for seasonal employees. Patience combined with service skills creates a marketable candidate for any employer.
If you are an employer and would like more information on Dean’s Professional Services and staffing services, visit
If you are looking for seasonal employment, visit for more information.