Our goal is to become your career home-base.
Our clients include some of the largest and most renowned organizations in the country.
We are here to service our applicants and employees through new job opportunities, continuing education, and career resources. We provide staffing services throughout the United States. Our corporate office headquarters are located in Houston, TX. This office supports are nation-wide services.
Our goal is to become your career home-base.
Our clients include some of the largest and most renowned organizations in the country.
We are here to service our applicants and employees through new job opportunities, continuing education, and career resources. We provide staffing services throughout the United States. Our corporate office headquarters are located in Houston, TX. This office supports are nation-wide services.
Bullhorn Time & Expense Portal
As a DPS employee, there are three ways to submit your time. Your staffing coordinator will provide the method to use based on your client assignment.
The DPS Bullhorn T&E Web Portal / App is the primary way to submit time. Click below to login to the portal.
*Use DEPS as your BTE Client Code or Four Character Staffing ID

Our Staffing Team
During your interview process, you met members of your staffing team. Our company is separated into 2 teams (Healthcare & Professional Staffing and Hospitality & EVS Staffing).
Each staffing team includes a combination of:
Staffing Coordinators / Recruiters
Human Resources Coordinators
We also have separate departments for:
Corporate Operations

Click below to reach our team members.
General Staffing Inbox
Healthcare & Professional Staffing Team
Hospitality & Environmental Services Staffing Team
Payroll - payroll@deansprofessionalservices.com
Compliance - compliance@deansprofessionalservices.com
Marketing - marketingeam@deansprofessionalservices.com
Here's how to reach us:

Benefits For Your Life
At Dean's Professional Services we offer an array of benefits for our employees.
ACA Compliant Healthcare Benefits
401K Program
CPR Certification Discounts
CEU Resources / Education Program Discounts
Paid Vacation / Holiday Pay (based on hours worked)
Payroll Benefits - ADP Paycard & Direct Deposit Options
Employee Referral Program
Employee Recognition

Additional Employee Resources
Useful Forms:
CPR Certification Request Form
Policy Highlights:
Professional Appearance and Dress Code Expectations
Assignment ConfirmationsAssignment Confirmations are critical. They include all necessary information regarding your new job. Details included in your assignment confirmation - pay rate start date shift details end date location parking information reporting instructions on-site supervisor timesheet information first pay date We recommend you read this confirmation thoroughly! Once you've received the information, you will be held accountable for the information included.
Assignment Parking DetailsDPS does not cover the cost of parking. During the submittal ans assignment confirmation, your staffing team member will cover parking as it relates to your assignment. Information about alternative parking may be available at that time. Click to see information about Texas Medical Center Parking
Arriving On Time & Follow UpArriving 15 minutes early is recommended. And, in some cases, we may ask you to map or even drive to the location to get a better idea of the route and time needed to get to your assignment. On the first day, contact your staffing coordinator to let them know when you have arrived. The staffing coordinator will contact you throughout the first week to ensure that your assignment is going as expected, answer any questions you may have, and to ensure you have submitted your time via the required process.
Calling off or Running LateIt is imperative that you contact your staffing coordinator by phone immediately if you are going to be late or calling of for your assignment. It is recommended that you do not call off during your first 30 days, if at all possible. We understand that things happen. however, if you have any issues - please call our office immediately - no matter what time. DPS has a representative available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling our main line at 713-785-483 or 800-805-9318. DO NOT text or leave a voice mail. In some instanaces, you may be been instructed to call both DPS and your onsite manager. If this is the case, please nesure that DPS is notified.
Attendance PolicyAttendance is critical to a successful placement! Failure to contact DPS regarding time away from your scheduled assignment will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. No Call, No Show will result in an automatic termination Tardy with notice = verbal warning Tardy without notice = written warning Unexcused absence with notice = written warning 3 tardies = 1 absence 3 unexcused absences = termination
Requesting Time OffTo request time off, you must submit a time off request form by clicking here. Time off request fors should be made 2 weeks in advance, if possible. If you cannot provide 2 weeks notice, contact your satffing coordinator immediately. Please remember submitting a request does NOT gaurantee approval The time off request fors are submitted to your onsite supervisor for approval and must be approved by both DPS and the client. If you do not receive an answer within 72 hours of the submittal, contact your staffing coordinator.
ProfessionalismDress code and attendance expectations will be provided to you by your staffing coordinator through verbal and email assignment confirmation. In general, we require professional dress as your industry dictates. If your position requires specific dress or shoes for safety reasons, you must ensure that you abide by the requirements. Professionalism is much more that professional dress! Here are just a few key elements that add to your overall professionalism. Attitude Willingness to perform Engagement Involvement
Cell Phone Policy While On AssignmentThe use of cell phones and mobile devices are prohibited while on the clock. Your phone should remain on silent and should not be visible while working. If you need to make or receive a call, do so on your scheduled break time.
Time Entry PolicyYour time is your money! It is your responsibility to ensure your timesheet is submitted and received by DPS every Saturday night by midnight. Your time entry process will be determined by the client and will be covered during your assignment confirmation. The standard DPS pay period is weekly, payday is Friday. All time submitted after the deadline (Saturday at midnight) will be processed on the next payroll cycle. Your paycheck can be received via direct deposit or ADP Paycard only. This is set up during your orientation process. Please note, if you'd like to change this option, contact the payroll department for processing.
AvailabilityYou must notify DPS of your availability daily via the DPS WebCenter or the BUZZ app (recommended) or by phone. Failure to call in your availability for more than 1 week will result in deactivation from our system and will be considered a resignation from employment. DPS does not gaurantee minimum hours per shift or assignment. Temporary assignments can change based on the client's needs and opportunity. We will, however, communicate any changes as soon as we are made aware. DPS is a vehicle for employment opportunities, but we are not the only route. We encourage you to continue to look for employment using other means while we are presenting you to our clients. Cliick here to visit the DPS WebCenter and submit your availability. To download the buzz mobile app, click here (IOS) / click here (google play)
Paid Time Off PolicyOne week of paid time off is offered after a DPS employee has completed 2,080 hours within the previous 14 months. Employee must be actively employed and on a current assignment to receive paid time off. Paid time off will not be paid out at time of termination or resignation. Field Team Member Responsibility Team Member must request Time Off via Time Off Request Form Request must be at least 2 weeks in advance for 8 hours or more Paid time off will not be available if team member is terminated or not on current assignment Paid time off is not to be used for Non-Scheduled Workdays To receive paid time off, employee must have no “DO NOT RETURNS” (DNR) on file.
DPS News